Trepanning Process

This is a special operation mainly used on when conventional machines are tooled up to do deep hole drilling. Usually in such cases the machine power is less and hence Solid BTA drilling is not possible.Trepanning is also used when a solid core is required. The trepanning operation is performed on a blank workpiece without any holes. The Tool geometry allows cutting only on the circular section whereas a solid core is left in the middle. This core can later be extracted for use. Typically only through hole applications are advisable with Trepanning since the core extraction can become troublesome in case of a blind hole. The tool covers a large range of diameters upto 500mm. There are limitations to the lower level of diameter that can be achieved with this process due to the geometry of the tool.

BVN Series
BTA Drilling
Precihole’s BVN series BTA deep hole drilling machines are well designed and robust to take heavy loads while drilling large holes. This series covers hole drilling from Ø20 mm to Ø250 mm solid and counter boring to Ø400 mm. Work piece lengths of 500mm to 10m can be accomodated on these machines. These machines are configurable with features depending on accuracy requirements and type of parts to be drilled.
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Special Purpose Machines
Multi Spindle Multi Axis
Precihole specializes in custom manufacturing deep hole drilling and hole finishes machines that are not covered in our standard series. With over 30 years of special machine design and development experience under its belt and a team of highly experienced concept and design engineers, Precihole prides itself to be one of the best SPM manufacturers in the industry.
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