Medical Implants

Medical implants is a very critical area of application for deep hole drilling. These implants are characterized by the special surgical grade Titanium and steel materials. These have high strength to weight ratio and are resistive to corrosion. Usually medical implants require deep hole gun drilling operations where very small diameter holes are to be generated. Holes as small as Dia. 1.5mm are to be drilled into Titanium material in slender workpieces.
The length to diameter ratios can go upto 350 - 400. Titanium is a good bio compatible material, but is difficult to drill into. Precihole’s 3 decades of machine tool manufacturing experience makes this challenge disappear. Special arrangements in the design of our machines allow drilling of long, accurate holes with relatively impressive drilling parameters. These machines are used to drill into components like Bone screws, Femoral Nails, Tibial nails and other surgical instruments.

GDM Series
Micro Gun Drilling
This series is specially designed to meet all the requirements of very small hole drilling from Ø1 mm to Ø6 mm. Motorized spindles, high pressure coolant pumps as well as tool breakage monitoring systems are standard on this series. Many work holding options are also offered on these machines depending on application requirements.
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GVN Series
Single Axis Gun Drilling
This series is our most popular series and has 100s of applications in dozens of industries. This series covers drilling range from Ø2mm to Ø40 mm and lengths of parts up to 1500 mm. Machines are designed for 3 shift production mode and provide all the features for excellent output parameters like straightness, bore tolerance and surface finish.
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